Shipping Country:
This shipping policy is valid for the United Kingdom.
Below you will find the average delivery time of all our packages:
- Order cutoff time: 5:00 pm (GMT) Greenwich Mean Time (London), after this time we no longer process orders received on that day. For orders processed after cutoff time, one day gets added to the delivery time estimate.
- Order handling time: 1 to 2 days, fulfilled Monday to Friday. After this time the shipment for the order is delivered to the carrier company and ready for transit.
- Transit time: 7 to 8 days, delivered Monday to Friday.
We use the following carriers parties:
- FedEx
Shipping costs
Shipping is free. We cover the shipping costs for every order. All our products are delivered to your home, 100% free. There is also no minimum order quantity required.
Tracking your order
You'll receive an email when your order is shipped with a Tracking number. We provide our customers with a self hosted tracking page which you can use to track your package.